Fieldtrip through my eyes

How often do you travel by bus? What would you do when you're in a bus?

This week, buckle up while I take you to a journey to Penang by bus, through my eyes. 

I was travelling to Penang last week. Boarded the company bus straight after work, I was tired. I took a nap for a little while then I woke up to the Korea drama playing on the bus TV. I wasn't into the drama, so I looked outside the window, plugging in the earphone playing some of my favourite songs. 

Finally, one day where the skies were blue and not raining in the evening. Looking outside the window while listening to my favourite songs, allowed me to open up the doors of imagination and fantasies inside my head. 

These are some of the stunning views (Photos were taken with my phone, so do forgive the low quality of it xp)
Stunning sunset view. 

Sunset behind a big pile of mud, yet still stunning. 

A little flood beside the road due to the rainy season.

You can still see the reflection of the korean movie playing, lol XD

Green green grass of home :)

So next time when you travel by bus, try not to sleep through the journey. Plug in your earphone, set your mind to a blank mode to just absorb what's outside the window. You may just find something that would inspire you :) 


  1. Haha...this was my last time favorite activity when I am on the bus as well. Just enjoy every solitude moment with music blasting through your earphone while mesmerizing what Mother Nature had to offer to us.

  2. It is still my favourite thing to do XD


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